Big year for Kawana Forest and the region
As we begin another year, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a healthy, creative and prosperous new year. It’s going to be a big year for Kawana Forest given the opening of the Hospital and a pivotal year for the region so I am very much looking forward to working with you all in 2017.
Your help is needed by 15 February to get a medical school at Sunshine Coast University Hospital
Time is running out for our community to send a strong message to the Prime Minister that we require the Federal Government to urgently allocate the additional 15 medical student places needed at our Sunshine Coast University Hospital. Health is at the heart of strong communities and here on our Sunshine Coast, we are looking forward to the April opening of the State Government’s $1.87 billion tertiary teaching hospital at Kawana. However the way it is shaping up, our Sunshine Coast University Hospital will be only tertiary teaching hospital in Australia without a medical school. This issue has gone on unresolved for more than three years. It is now time for the Commonwealth to step up and fulfil its role. As members of our community, I am encouraging everyone to help send that message to our Prime Minister and our Federal Government. It’s easy to do – just visit Council’s website for more information. There are links on our website to send your message – and we need you to help us out before 15 February otherwise we won’t get the medical school until 2020 or perhaps beyond that.
Bin-lid changes
Please keep in mind that the council is progressively changing over waste wheelie bin green lids with rid lids to comply with the Australian Standard. This is a long term project with exchanges only being undertaken as maintenance issues occur with the existing lids: red – general waste, yellow – recycling, lime green – garden waste. Cross-contamination between bins is a real issue and this slow replacement process eventually means our general waste bins will be consistent with other parts of the country, making them easier to identify and use more appropriately.
Anniversary fund
The 50th anniversary of the naming of our wonderful Sunshine Coast will be officially commemorated on August 1. The 50th Anniversary Fund is a new, one-off community grants program for new and existing non-council events, projects or programs. It’s a great opportunity to develop an idea and get a group together to celebrate our 50th anniversary year. Applications for the second round of grants will open on Monday March 6, and close on Friday, May 19.

Rick Baberowski
Division 1 Councillor